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Become a partner of

enfant africain

Let's pool our strengths to support and participate in changing the Congolese healthcare system.

A shared

Working together to optimize healthcare for Congolese patients



Ensuring that all Congolese have access to the healthcare they need, and working together to combat self-medication and medical deserts.

Ensuring that all Congolese have access to qualified medical care, regardless of their geographical location

(physical appointment or tele-consultation).


Uniting voices to disseminate health information

Working together, we can keep the public informed of the latest news, regulations and health-related information on a global scale (epidemics, diseases, treatments, etc.).


Helping to develop eHealth

Be referenced for the Congolese who need your intervention

Synwell is an additional gateway and information channel to promote and facilitate the healthcare of people in emergency situations.

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An additional window

Recruit young physicians or citizens who want to support humanitarian causes

Post job offers or announcements on the Synwell forum and develop your community

Share health news and information on the Synwell Blog and draw the attention of the general public and political leaders alike.

An action plan for co-creation

Content production & cross-media communication


Co-creation/editing of content on social media (posts, articles)


Highlighting the partnership on various media (website, documents, etc.)


Participation in content creation as an ambassador (testimonials, ITW, speaking engagements, etc.)

Distribution and promotion of Synwell materials

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Distribution and display of Synwell communication materials in physical locations (flyers, posters, brochures, email and toll-free numbers).

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Word of mouth and networking

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Insertion of your "partner" logo on our communication media

Let's multiply our initiatives in the field


Joint awareness campaigns (schools, remote areas, etc.)


Setting up mobile clinics in rural and remote areas of Congo.


Training volunteers and local representatives as community health workers.


Public events

Let's work together to raise awareness among political decision-makers of the importance of protecting people's health.

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Joint media statements

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Bringing our names and strengths together to mobilize support for concrete measures.

Let's meet!

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"Synwell has become a complementary digital showcase that allows us to optimize patient care in emergency situations."

Sabine K. MSF Ambassador

They support Synwell

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Never alone.

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